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■ 留言版

標題/ Good Jobs !!!      編號/ 32      留言時間/ Thu Dec 6 03:04:55 2007
作者 Irong Fu      作者網址 http://
Dear All,

For those who don't know me, I am Pastor Yeh's classmate and labmate back in college. I remember we used to tease his strong religious belief by calling him "pastor" for fun. However, we were trained to be teachers and it has never come to my mind that he actually followed his faith and become a true servant of God.

What a terric and vibrant church group you have here. I could tell just by browing your website-very informative and inviting.

Your pastor was a good guy when I knew him and I believe that he has become a even better one. It's a blessing to your church to have a pastor you could trust. It's a blessong to me, too, for I have witnessed a true believer and servant of God.

Way to go- Fu-Hong and Yu-Ling!!!

May God bless your church and family and I might visit your church when I visit Taiwan next time...

Irong form USA


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網址:http://enling.fhl.net   E-mail: enlien@seed.net.tw
劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576